Biden: “Mark my words, there will be food shortages!”
An ominous stench fills the air from the shocking amount of food processing facilities that have suddenly been self-igniting across the USA. We’ve seen an unprecedented attack on our food security and just yesterday another major fresh food hub burned up in Paris. What is actually going on, as US President Biden declared months ago; “Mark my words there will be food shortages!”
In previous times mortal threats against the people were met by “the authorities” with actions to relieve or mitigate such impending disasters. I can’t help but ask, are there ANY adults working in the current White House administration?
The Great “Plandemic 201” exercise has brought forth much hardship throughout the world and this was especially apparent throughout rural Arkansas where we teach. I ask Who Benefits from this? Since the Rockefellers effectively OWN Big Pharma and much of the Health Care industry, I believe it’s time to dig deeper into their current motives. As said in their own words on “Resetting The Table.” :

UN Food Chief David Besley forewarns of ‘Chaos,’ ‘Hell’ And Wide Spread Food Shortage Next Year: The World Is Facing ‘A Perfect Storm On Top Of A Perfect Storm’.
Beasely said approximately 80 million people around the world were facing famine in 2017 when he began leading the World Food Program, but following the pandemic, climate crisis, and Russia – Ukrainian war at least 276 million people around the world are struggling to access food.
“Climate problems increased that number to 135 million,” the AP notes. “The COVID-19 pandemic, which began in early 2020, doubled it to 276 million people not knowing where their next meal was coming from. Finally, Russia invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24, sparking a war and a food, fertilizer and energy crisis that has pushed the number to 345 million.”
“Within that are 50 million people in 45 countries knocking on famine’s door,” Beasley added. “If we don’t reach these people, you will have famine, starvation, destabilization of nations unlike anything we saw in 2007-2008 and 2011, and you will have mass migration.