October 2022

ECHO Village Project, circa 2019-2023


Echo Village- Second Phase/ compact models, circa 2022…
These newest homes utilize the most efficient use of space imaginable. They are 14′ by 24′, or 336 sq. feet. While most of the labor continues to be provided by volunteers, hard costs are running around $25,k after figuring in certified pros to install the utilities.

smaller tiny house interior


Smallest practical units have Master Bed/Bath/Closets/Laundry & Shower


So glad to be a contributor to such a worthy community effort! ~ Special kudos to Dr. Dan & Suzie Bell.

ECHO Village Project, circa 2019-2023 Read More »

Russian Roulette!

Russian Roulette!

CIA’s Signature ? Trilaterals? …Beware of the Marks of the Beast!

Our nation’s first job is ending the ‘sanctions’ that invariably only serve to undermine the economies of west. Only then we can begin to disperse this ‘crazy-talk’ that has everyone scared about global annihilation. Meanwhile, those who profess that CO2 causes warming and that Methane can be mitigated by atmospheric spraying really need to grow up, look-up at the clouds and recognize that a web of les-Chem-trails were never a part of our skyscape when growing up. We used to imagine furry bunny rabbits and the man in the moon back when every white cloud had rounded edges.

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